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Bicaz Gorge and Red Lake

The Red Lake is a barrier lake formed by natural damming. It lies right at the base of Hasmasu Mare mountains, very close to the city of Gheorgheni in Harghita county and it is the largest lake of its kind in Romania.

As the name suggests, the lake bares a dark red colour. This is because the water in the lake comes from a river that crosses layers of rocks packed with iron oxides and hydroxides.

Further downstream lies the Bicazului Gorge on the valley of the river Bicaz. These are eight kilometers long, from the Red Lake to the small village of Bicazul Ardelean and they are a link between two major regions in Romania: Transylvania and Moldova.

The tall calcarous walls hold a detailed history of how water changed this landscape throughout time. The road along the gorge is especially enjoyable in summer days when you can feel the cool breeze that will give you shivers.

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